Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Counting Days

Taking a break from work kejap. Ye betul, aku dah kerja hahaha last post was 2 years ago, still in the middle of internship, worrying pasal what future holds, ada kerja ke, ada kereta ke.... Well surprise madafakah. Semua ada, cukup, lengkap. MashaAllah, Alhamdulillah ya Allah. It felt so surreal now that I have finally achieved everything I have been wishing and praying for.

Bagi summary jelah eh. 1 September 2020, landed my first job. Dekat retail company. Dapat ramaaaai kawan and especially dapat banyak experience as Account Executive. 2 September 2021, finally got a car! My own car, after 8 months of waiting. April 2022, things at work went south, so start lompat lompat kerja. Now dah landed another job, hopefully a good one lah. Work from home, less supervision, independent. Masih di swasta ya, haha entah bila nak dapat government. Belum rezeki kot.

Ops, left out an important detail. Feb 2022, engaged to my 7 years boyfriend :) Fast forward to October, we're getting married in few days!! Omg, I can't explain how excited and nervous I am. Dah nak jadi isteri orang dah eeeeeeeeee looking back at this blog terus macam wow... I am so glad I wrote everything in this blog dulu, even though cringe gila bila baca balik hahaha but at least I have a memory kept here :)

It's amazing what changes has been made in just 2 years... Lagi pulak 10 years.... I think I've been blogging since 2012 kot. So many ups and downs. But I am happy and so grateful with my life. Okay, next update maybe lepas dah ada anak? Hahaha not too soon please!!

Last signing off as,
Ms Huda :p

Monday, July 27, 2020

It's been so long

Hi. I'm 23 now. It's been so freaking long since I last blogged (?) I was going through the memory lane on facebook tadi then jumpa status lama until I got to where I talked with my blogger friends. Lepas tu baru teringat about this blog haha! Kelakarnya... and actually amazed of how easy it was making friends back then. I rindu everyone.

Aku nak log in tadi, guna email lama. My first email ever, tapi tak ingat password. Try another email, oh boleh. Tak ingat bila tukar email tu haha. But of course, password tak ingat. Thank God for "forget your password?" hahaha! Sedihnya... Aaaaa all the memories that I had with this blog hit me so hard right now. This used to be my escape place. Aku cerita macam macam kat sini. Benda tak penting pun cerita... hahaha aaaaaaaaa nangeh ~

Ok let's get into the latest update of my life. I've finished my degree yay! But, we're in a middle of pandemic right now. Covid-19. Boleh google benda tu in case kau tak ingat apa benda ni (note to my future self). So graduation pun postponed. Takpe lah postpone, rather than buat online. Heck no! Penat belajar, ibu mesti nak tengok anak dia naik pentas ambik scroll with robe and all.

Currently tengah internship. At this moment, tinggal 4 weeks je lagi to finish my internship out of 24 weeks. Lama ye intern. Plus with this pandemic lagi, dekat setahun juga la rasanya dah intern haha. So sekarang dah start job hunting. Aaaa takutnya. I don't know what the future holds. Boleh ke secure job? Sekarang ni ramai yg bekerja pun kena buang sebab company dah tak boleh nak bayar gaji. Yelah covid kan. Ekonomi jatuh gila. So siapa la saya insan kerdil yang baru nak apply kerja ni... picisan.

Urm love life. It's been 5 years wei hahaha tak sangka masih bertahan ye. Also, I never expect to have this kind of relationship. This is actually my first lah kan. Wei darjah 6, form 1 tu tak kira do. Hahaha! I don't have much to say. It's complicated. Gitchew ~ But I'm glad we're still together. I can't imagine myself with anyone else except him. He's so understanding that I don't even have to say anything to make him understand. LITERALLY.

We're fine. Happy. Cuma tulah. Biasa lah kan sedangkan orang dah berkahwin pun boleh ada salah faham, lagi lah yang bercinter ~ Nothing comes easy, but I believe this is the best. InshaAllah. I really hope he's the one. Aamiin.

I think that's all. Dah lama tak blogging, typing, so macam UGH PENATNYA TYPE hahaha! Rasa macam lepas ni I want to start blogging again. Maybe sebab dulu aku tak ada tempat nak luah, tak ada siapa to go to. So everything aku blog je. Since I have a boyfriend, dah jarang sangat nak cerita apa apa even to my best friend. Selalu memang cari my partner je. But i miss blogging! Aaaaaaa nangeh lagi.
