Sunday, May 9, 2010

tagged lagii :DD

yeah kne tagged lagii .. kali nihh eiqa yg tagged ..
awww thnx sys :))
oke jom nengok menatang pe yg dy tagged art aku nihh ;))

It's harder than it looks...

Copy to your own notes.
Erase my answers.
Enter yours and tag twenty (20) people.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real.
Nothing made up.
If the person before u had the same first initial, you must use different answers.

1. What is your name :  HUDA
2. A four letter word : Hoiy *bule terima ta ? :DD
3. A boy's name : Hadzmer *tahh sape tahh
4. A girl's name : Hurin *rindu kau doe
5. An occupation : Hancur an laptop pak hang
6. A colour : Hitam *aww i like
7. Something you wear : Handphone :))
8. A food : Hazelnut choc :PP
9. Something found in the bathroom : Hantuu xDD
10. A place : Home sweet home
11. A reason for being late : Hantu saman aku kat traffic light tadi  , sorry lahh :DD
12. Something u shout : Hoiy ! aku sygg kau tahu ! ;))
13. A movie title : Huda the princess *wekk ! muntah sekarang :PP
14. Something u drink : Hot chocolate *yummy !
15. A musical group : High school musical :DD
16. An animal : Horse *dulu budak2 ejek aku huda kuda , ouh sampai hati T_____T
17. A street name : Highway :))
18. A type of car : Hot BMW <33

haaa tamat akhirnya penyeksaan tagged ini xDD gila pening kepala kot nak jawab nihh , kire2 aku ade peluang tak na dapat A dalam SPM ? :DD hehehe perasan lebihh2 .. erk chopp , nengok balik arahan tadi .. haaa ade lagi aku belum settle an rupenye .. adehh , oke2 ..

ta tahu nak tagg sape ? ramai sangat lahh sampai 20 .. adoyy but oke lahh nanti aku terjah shoutbox korang oke ! tunggu jea lahh :DD 
but , buat tau ! 

oke da terjah , sesiapa yg shoutbox tuhh ad nme NURUL , haaa jawab2 !
heee ~ btw , sape2 yg aku ta terjah tuhh , bule ambik jgak lohh ..
ta kn semua aku na buat kott penat dah nihh ..
heee byby !


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