Sunday, June 1, 2014

A listener

I may not a good listener but I'm always there if you ever need me. Or anyone ever need me. Aku jenis yang memang suka dengar masalah orang. Sebab nanti orang boleh dengar masalah aku jugak eh ahahaha no no it's just that bila ada orang yang tergerak nak luahkan perasaan kat aku, nak share problems dengan aku kan, I feel so... Wanted. Ya Allah ahaha bukan nak perhatian tau no no no cuma from that aku  boleh tahu yang oh I'm one of their reliable friend. And start dari situ jugak I get to know people. Sifat diorang yang sebenar.

Betapa cepatnya diorang terasa, hati tersentuh, sensitif, senang kesian dekat orang, pemaaf, pemarah, panas baran, independent, dependent or anything else. They'll show their weakness when they're sad and that's their real behavior. Bukan lah aku suka yay I know her weakness and I'm so gonna tell all of my friends about it uyeah no! It's not like that. Okay? So aku akan rasa sangat useless, sangat unimportant in my friends' life if suddenly they tweet 'Got no one to spit out my stuff' 'Such a loner' 'Everyone ignore me' Eh I'm so frustrated eh if I saw those things. Rasa macam eh who am I to you? Kayu balak ke? You have me maaaa haiyaa.

But aku tahu some people macam suka pendam perasaan kan okay go ahead that's your life tapi bila kau berani cakap something like that yang macam no one cares about you, then itu memang mintak kaki aku lah ahaha aih I'm your best friend do sumpah kau macam tak ingat aku ke that I'll always be by your side even time tu kau dah kahwin dah beranak pinak pun and aku pun dah kahwin semua ehehe I'll still stay we'll still have each other doooo ((InshaAllah)) We never know future kan tapi memang for this time being that's my promise to you guys. Well I know none of you guys read this but I dont care about those shit all I want is to express mah feeling ihirhirhir goodnight!
