Sunday, May 2, 2010

tagged :DD

salam , erk oke just tagged by TRAH , heh 1st time kne tagged ,
thnx yaww ;))
 oke jum nengok menatang yg aku kene jawab :DD
what is your full name ?
*cukup penuh ? xDD 

when is your birthday ?
12 MAC 1997 
*dah lepas , melepas hadiah =.='

what's your daddy name ?
da mention tadi kan ? haaa lupe lar tu ?
cepat nye lupe xDD
ARIFFIN lae ;))

what's your mum name ?

how many siblings do you have ?
erk , 2 suda .. weee ~ *sikit gila adik beradik aku , heh 

where do you live ?
sungai besar , pernah dengar ?
yeah , mesti ta pernah dengar , haha kampung je lah

your favourite colour (s) ?
weyy , aku suke sangat BLUE xDD
*jangan pikir bukan2 oke :PP
andand , purple + hitam putih !

still studying ?
yupp ! study itu bagus :))

do you have a bestfriend ?
yeah , of coz ade ! nengok jea lar header aku tuh ;))

do you love them ?
yaww , mesti lah syg ! kawan sampai mati tuh :DD

pop or jazz ?
erk jazz ? no lar ..
prefer pop ;))

chicken or beef ?
heh ayam2 ! ta pernah makan beef ouh ..

coke or 100plus ?
erk act an , aku ta suke minum air gas2 nih ,
even 100plus pun ta suke , ta tahu nape ?
huuu ~ =.='

what brand is your purse ?
hah ! ta de brand doe xDD

how much do you have in your purse right now ?
weyy , buat ape kau na tahu ?
haha !

high heels or flat ?
erk ta pernah pakai high heels , tapi teringin nak pakai :))
*flat tetap dihatiku xDD

skirt or jeans ?
heh , jeans suda .. tapi nanti bapak aku mesti cakap ,
'abis JIN nak pakai ape dah kalau adik pakai jeans dia ? '
hahaha bapak aku tu =.='

shirt or blouse ?
prefer shirt lae , lagi simple ..

watch or bracelet ?
both bule ta ? 

favourite watch's brand ?
weyy , aku suke GUESS ! <333

do you have girlfriend ?
yeah ade jea 

do you have boyfriend ?
once :'))

do you love him ?
yeah , love him until now ! <333

did you ever kiss him ?
no la ! we're MUSLIM rite ?

facebook or myspace ?
both tapi sekarang blogging jea selalu !
*ade dia tanya ke ?

what is your dreams ?
oke2 ade banyak niyh , bule terima ta ? *heh , pedulik hape ak

+ weyy , nak dia balik ! :'(( +
straigt a's PMR + SPM *STPM myb ;))
+ rumah sendiri :DD +
blog nih jadi makin comey ! :))
+ the mr . RIGHT :')) +

*dreams aku yg bukan2 lah xDD

please tagged other ten friends of yours
semua aku bagi lah ! malas nak listkan =.='


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