Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I know, I'm not as GREAAAAT as you


When my old friend said,
Good Luck PPT. Aku doakan kau dapat TOP 10
And I was like,
Ha? Top 100 boleh lah, hehe
And she'll,
Oh hm kaylah nak out, bai

Then came another girl asking,
Kau masuk game apa kat sekolah?
My answer,
Takde, ngaaa -.-
And shee,
Kenapa takde? PELIKKK

I know, bagi kau ALAH, NORMAL LAH TU. But to me :/ Well, you know. Kawan aku semua dapat ranking macam top 10, 15, 20, 30 okay paling command pun top 50 lah. Tp aku? Hellooooo, TOP 100 kay. Beza gilaaa macam takleh jauh lagi je. Terasa kebodohan aku -______- Taulah tak pandai. Sebab tu kadang-kadang aku taksukaa diorang tanya pasal exam, tp jawab jelah en. Malu kot. Okay lebih kepada sedih. Their results are way better than me. I'm the foolest among them kay even masuk SBP tapi sekolah tu setakat nama je. Budak yang masuk tak semestinyaa PANDAI. Exactly, LIKE ME.

Okay dulu I was quite active lah masuk kawad, net ball, choral speaking and much more. I loved to try before. But now, no more. I'm more to passive well new school makes me feel awkward to try this, this and this. Besides, ramai lagi yang terror ye bukan terrorist kat sekolah tu ngaaaaa better than me so people didn't see my bakat ecece sukahati je salahkan orang. So the main point now is, rasa macam tak nak jumpa diorang langsung kay ceh bajet macam diorang nak jumpa kau jeee ishhhhhhh bagilah aku feeling sikit -.-


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