Thursday, March 28, 2013

A simple hello change a lot


Hello hihi yeay I'm currently updating from a computer weee at last ;D Still, laptop tengah mabuk aku tak tahu what to do with it pergi mampus nanti beli baru ah terus baiboi hihik tipu je duit nak cekau manaaaaaaaa? So okay takde cerita pun cuma lately ni hati terluka sikit, but it's okay. Aku kan tough :> 

Oh anyway, ibu dapat voucher tesco RM 200 hihi thanks to Puspanita lah kau tahu tak Puspanita tu apa? Oh bukan kawan Letchumy lah gila. It's a woman society. Eleh bajet tahu je aku ni kenapa kan harhar. Ibu so excited, so dia ajak petang ni jugak pergi tesco hahahahaha now I know aku ikut perangai siapa :b

Life so boring nowadays. Mine lah, takkan yours pulak kan. Aku tak faham. I cried for people, but do people cry for me? Owwwwnooooooo right? Idk why do I've to be like that. Ala benda natural kot my tears fall easily cis ahemmasef :/ Oh, it's stand for Ihatemyself hahaha bajet gempak je kan ala mampus lah sukahati saya k :3 Okay till here. Nak buat homeworks weehuuu tak sangka time flies so fast. Harini dah Rabu dah. Haiih, now we've to wait for another 2 months kot untuk another long school holiday ;b Goodbye :)