Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I miss my friends :(


Damn miss :/ My friends from Year 1 till Year 6. We've been through everything together. Although sometimes the boys act annoying-ly, but I do love them. They're just like my family. At school. Everyday we met, everytime, even everywhere. 5 tahun 1 kelasss memanglah kerinduan kay :) I hate secondary school. Kalau takde sekolah menengah, I'm sure we're still in the same class. Takdelah sorang kat Kelantan, Perak, Negeri Sembilan even dalam Selangor pun tp bukan 1 daerah :( Kau faham tak apa aku cuba sampaikan ni?

Okay, my girlfriends takdelah rindu sangat, kitorang still keep in touch <3 Boyfriends gua ni haa haih semua macam nak avoid aku. Sedih kot. Yelah, they've got another GIRLfriends kan dekat sekolah baru fine fine -.- GODAI xD Lantak lah kan nak avoid ke hapeee gua tetap sedih wooo. Adalah berapa ketul jee yg still layan diri ini. Haha sedih kan nyah? Aku tahu. Tengoklah mukaa sedihh nii > :'/ < Alolololo comel lah tu hahahahaahahaktuih xP Okay I just want them to know that I LOVEEEE THEMMM. Okay 6 Zamrudd is still in my mind <3 Senior year, paling best kott :')

Yelah-yelah entry ni lagi sekali ke-emo-an. Well, aku akan tersangattt touching if it's about FRIENDS. Kawan is more than everything kot. Lebih relaa tiada boyfriend daripada hilang KAWAN xD Ah statement gedik abaikan. So, tulah kan. The best part is time kitorang Choral Speaking hehe sukaanyaaa ramai budak darjah 6 join and the most mestilah 6 Zamrud kan hehe menang sampai daerah jee lepastu babaaai lololo okay letteww. Lepastu masa raya akhir tahun tu kan, ngeeeeeeee rindunyaaaa rasa macam nak patah balik jewwwwww aww rempit. 

Hm conclusionnya saya rindu kawan saya macam orang gilak :( Baaai.


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